Welcome to the Web site of
The Save Ningaloo Campaign


NEWS - JAN 2007

The organisers of the Save Ningaloo Campaign have concerns about a major salt mining development proposed for the Exmouth Gulf. Scientists believe that the proposal has the potential to detrimentally affect the health of Exmouth Gulf and there is mounting evidence that the health of Ningaloo Reef is connected to the environmental quality of Exmouth Gulf.

An independent campaign has been started to challenge the proposal. To find out more about the proposal and the campaign opposing it visit




is a coral reef
and limestone cape
of astonishing biodiversity
on the west coast of Australia.

the focus of community conservation
efforts to protect this special place.

With the support of tens of thousands
of people from around the world
the campaign stopped a large
marina resort from being
built in 2003.

The Campaign now strives to see
these ecological values maintained
while allowing for sustainable levels
of human visitation to the region



Professor Terry Hughes DVD

Available from
the Conservation Council of WA
AU$30 incl P&H (within Aust)
+61 8 94207266

[email protected]

Terry Hughes DVD Cover



David Hannan's latest DVD 'Ningaloo - Where the Desert meets the Sea'
is available now


Buy BOTH DVD’s for just $50 incl P&H (within Aust)

By calling the Conservation Council of WA
+61 8 94207266

[email protected]

"Perth people rally in support of The Ningaloo"

The coalition behind this campaign

Conservation Council of WA
World Wildlife Fund

� Save Ningaloo - Organiser Dennis Beros, Web Dave Graham, Scripts Alex Varlakov.