The Conservationists

Ningaloo Reef is a fringing, rather than a barrier reef, because it is closer to the shore with shallow water separating the land and reef. As such it will be even more sensitive to land based activity than is the Great Barrier Reef.

Australian Marine Conservation Society
Australian Marine Conservation Society
With a history of protecting the Great Barrier Reef going back to 1965 AMCS has the protection of Ningaloo Marine Park as a very high priority and is very concerned about the development proposals at Maud's Landing.
The Western Australian Government has a vision for the protection of the world-class natural values of the Ningaloo Coast while enabling sensitive development of the region as a tourist destination of international significance.
Please help the Government to protect and manage this precious environment by having your say on the future of the Ningaloo Coast.

[email protected]
Ningaloo Action Group - another concerned group
"We shan't save all we should like to, but we shall save a great deal more than if we had never tried."
An affiliation of coastal community groups in Western Australia.
Our common objective is to lobby for, and act to create reform of coastal planning and management practices in Western Australia to maintain the assets of the coast for a sustainable future.
The Not-for-Profit organization was established by a group of like-minded people � passionate about working for the conservation of Australia�s unique marine environment.
Welcome to our campaign to help preserve Smiths Beach, a beautiful section of Australian coastline. If you want to get straight to the point of the proposed development issue
Michelle Wardley, Artist in Residence, Monkey Mia Dolphin Information Centre, Western Australia
Welcome to - diving videos.
We are dedicated to scuba diving and the aquatic environment.
You may upload, watch and share your diving videos. This site is 100% free to use.
'Dragon Search' is a monitoring program which encourages members of the community to provide information about sightings of the unique southern Australian fish - the seadragon. The information will be used to determine the distribution, habitat requirements and research and management priorities for these little-known species. Anyone who visits the beach in Australia can get involved.
Australian Conservation Foundation - another National conservation organisation weighs in to the debate.
Significance, Issues, Responses, Links, Author's Details
Exmouth Diving Centre Brief paragraphs on each of the following:- Ningaloo Reef Overview, How to Protect Coral Reefs,Ningaloo Coral Reef in Detail, So what is a coral? , The Sex Life of Corals ! , Types of corals, The fish life on Ningaloo Reef, Dameslefish, Wrassses, Butterflyfish, Angelfish, Cardinalfish, Parrotfish
REEF RELIEF is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to Preserving and Protecting Living Coral Reef Ecosystems through local, regional and global efforts.
WHALE SHARKS OF NINGALOO, Geoff Taylor's Home Page
The experiences of Geoff Taylor with some beautiful photos. To quote him
"All of a sudden governments throughout the world are realising that here is a resource that is worth preserving, and in order to preserve the whale sharks, it is vital to preserve the whole tropical reef environment on which they depend. Whale Sharks are becoming an icon for coral reef preservation."
In 2002, Oceanwise Environmental Scientists initiated a baseline marine ecological survey of Bateman Bay, Ningaloo Reef. We compiled a report: "A Preliminary Marine Ecological Survey Of Bateman Bay, Ningaloo Reef". It is available to view on website.
The mission of OceanNEnvironment promotes and initiates preservation projects as well as endeavors to document the status of coral reefs, bio-diversity and the impact of man-made pollution through research programs and educational expeditions.
The Dolphin Society is an Australian non-profit-making research institution, established in 1994 to research the effects on people of interaction with dolphins.
Links to other WA and Australian sites.
Our societies must change. Our human species already exceeds our .
Surfrider Foundation (Australia)
Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the protection and enhancement of Australia's oceans, waves and beaches for all people.
ReefGuardian International is a public-interest advocacy organization exclusively dedicated to the protection of coral reefs and their marine life.
  The Proponent
  The Governments
Environment Australia
Ningaloo Marine Park (4600 square kilometres) is located off Exmouth.
Summum of Reserve Details, Where is Ningaloo Marine Park?, What is Special about the Ningaloo Reef? , Management of Ningaloo Marine Park, Bathymetry Map of Ningaloo Marine Park, Draft Management Plan

Download a copy of " The Ningaloo Marine Park (Commonwealth Waters) Draft Management Plan " (PDF file,1055 Kb) and/or a " Memorandum of Understanding " (Word document, 2555 KB)
Western Australia's Department of Conservation and Land Management
Park of the Month - September 1996 - THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW: Where is it?, Travelling time, Access, Facilities, Best Season, What to see and do
Fishing, rules for park use and maps
  For the scientific
News in Science Tuesday, 1 August 2000
"Now the alarm has been raised as fears grow over competing use of resources and over-exploitation...
..the Western Australian Government and CSIRO have announced the North West Shelf Joint Environmental Management Study."
Chapter 4 - Ningaloo Reef and the Marine Park - Lots of facts
some geological information
Centre for Water Research: University of WA - A little more scientific information: Location, Geology, Currents, Biology, Links, references
  Reefs in General
by Cathy Anderson
Introduction, What is a reef? , How reefs develope, Unusual circumstances, The inhabitants, How reefs affect us, Threats and solutions
The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)
Good material on reefs in general


For Divers and Tourists - with some clearly stated conservation values.
Ningaloo Reef Diving Centre and Exmouth Dive Centre
Exmouth Diving Centre
Coral Coast Dive
The remote location of Ningaloo Reef has prevented over-development of the area, and much of it remains relatively unaffected by human impact. This provides the opportunity to establish the current condition of the reef as a reference model for the evaluation of future changes, induced by either human impact or natural processes.
Images Whale Sharks at Ningaloo - Stephen Wong's photos






























































































Please help to continue the Ningaloo campaignSend a submission