Ningaloo Update, Thursday 19 September 2002
* EPA decision due soon� Of course, this will be the second time that the EPA has assessed the marina proposal and much has been made of the reduced scale of the latest version. However, while the golf course has gone and the residential component is smaller (although still substantial), the marina itself is actually slightly bigger - making it nearly twice the size of Hillary's marina, which has a capacity of almost 700 boat pens. The EPA's advice to approve the previous version was rejected by the then Minister, Cheryl Edwardes, on the strength of numerous appeals. Since then, the EPA has also been presented with an enormous amount of scientific argument and evidence indicating the damage that would be caused by the development.
* Developers run out of arguments
* Future Ningaloo gaining support
* Minister admits coastal planning system broken: real change needed Acknowledging that the existing planning system is beset by problems, Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, Alannah MacTiernan, responded to calls from all major coastal community groups for an urgent review of the system. These groups formed a new group called the Coastal Planning Coalition to progress systemic reform. The marina proposal for Mauds Landing has been held up as a case study in the review because it demonstrates what can go wrong when developments are promoted before planning is done, without rigorous socioeconomic and scientific analysis, and in the absence of real community participation. The
review made some progress but fell far short of what was needed. It has
been summarised by the statement: "a wave of reform was needed and
all we got was a ripple." A major submission, which includes a legislative
analysis by a leading QC, was recently sent to the Minister. The community
must keep pushing for the system to be reformed; otherwise the same mistakes
will be visited upon us, again and again. |