Tonight (29/5) at 7pm there will be a free public meeting hosted by AQWA, The Aquarium of WA, where speakers will outline the serious threats posed to Ningaloo Reef by a large marina resort proposal. A positive, alternative plan, called Future Ningaloo, will also be discussed. Paul Gamblin, Save Ningaloo campaign spokesperson, said, �We urge people to come along to AQWA tonight to see a spectacular short film showing some of the many endangered species at Ningaloo that would be threatened by the development, including turtles, dugongs, whale sharks and whales. Speakers will explain how such an inappropriate proposal, which began in the 1980s, has made it so far. They will describe its likely negative impacts and propose an alternative, positive approach to promote tourism without damaging the very wildlife people come to see.� Within weeks, the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) will recommend to Dr Judy Edwards, Minister for the Environment and Heritage, whether the proposed marina should be built. After a two-week appeals period, it will then be up to Cabinet to decide whether to accept the EPA�s advice. The previous Government rejected its advice to approve an even larger version of the marina. �This Government owed a lot of its electoral success to its strong environmental platform and expectations are high that it will keep its worthy promises, which means halting the marina proposal and addressing the pressing needs of the region. There is a lot at stake here because Ningaloo Reef, one of the world�s truly great wild places, is now at the crossroads.� Contact: Paul Gamblin, Save Ningaloo campaign spokesperson, What: Save Ningaloo Reef public information evening Where: AQWA, Hillary�s Boat Harbour When: Tonight, Wednesday, 29 May, 7pm�8.30pm |