Roger Swainston, Coral Trout, 2002 (Original: acrylic on paper)
Limited edition prints (200), 594mm x 420mm, offset lithography, in support of
These individually signed and numbered limited edition prints (200) are offered internationally - proceeds go to protect Ningaloo. You can order this beautiful print (A$80 plus GST and postage) through the Conservation Council of WA +61 08 9420 7209 or send a cheque or money order (A$95) to 2 Delhi St, West Perth, Western Australia, 6005
Acclaimed natural history artist, Roger Swainston, has spent thousands of hours over many years recording the extraordinarily vivid and diverse marine life of Ningaloo Reef. He spends much of his time underwater with his subject matter; sketching and recording his observations in preparation to render his paintings of acute precision and subtlety back at his studio in Fremantle. Roger�s work has featured in many leading books of natural history and in international exhibitions.
He shares with thousands of other people from all over the world, great concerns
about the future of Ningaloo, Western Australia�s magnificent coral reef. At
a time when the majority of the world�s coral reefs are under threat, Ningaloo
is still in near-pristine condition and is an important sanctuary for many endangered
species. Inappropriate development threatens to cause irreparable damage to
this fragile environment. Roger has painted Coral Trout to support the community
campaign which is working for an environmentally sustainable future for the
whole Ningaloo region.
Roger Swainston and the Save Ningaloo Campaign use and recommend Art Presentations for their framing.
automated letters to stop the resort