Protection and Biodiversity Conservation
Act 1999
Public Environment Report (PER) Submission
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Support Materials for those making their own EPBC PER Submission for the Coral Coast Resort development Here you will find: Introduction: The EPBC Act 1999 is new federal legislation which has the capacity to override state decisions on environmental approvals having the potential to impact on matters of national environmental significance.
For more on the Act and how it works:
Invitation to Comment: The formal invitation to comment on the
Draft PER and places where hard copies are available. Deadline: 5 PM WST (GMT+08:00) 11 January 2002 The Draft PER: Vol1 online at the developers website: www.coralcoastresort.com.au/commun_2.htm
Vol2 (appendices): available in hard copy at the venues listed in "An
Invitation to Comment.doc", Vol 1 & 2 available on CD ROM from the developer:
links and sites: THE
GUIDELINES set for the developer by Environment Australia:
A paper on marinas/canal estates: EPBC
Threatened Species list: A
pro-forma table to help you organise your thoughts and make your submission
user-friendly: Once you have written your submission, send to the developer at:
For further support/comments contact |
To send a pre-written, automated submission click here